Orange County Society of Pediatric Nurses (OCSPN)
Call for Poster Presentations
OCSPN invites you to submit a proposal for a poster presentation for the OCSPN Annual Pediatric Update. We welcome
poster proposals from novice to advanced pediatric nurses on innovative, practical ideas in admnistration, clinical practice,
research, and education that can be used in a variety of settings including ambulatory, hospital, home, school, military,
and industry.
The OCSPN Program Committee will review proposals for posters based on the following criteria:
- Clarity of description of the content
- Importance, depth, focus, level of audience interest
- Feasibility of application to a variety of settings
- Absence of commercial content
- Originality of topic/presentation
Review of the poster proposals is a blinded, peer-review process.
Poster presenters will receive a $10 registration discount for the conference. Poster presenters must register
for the conference. Only one discount will be awarded per poster presentation.
Submission Guidelines
Keeping the selection criteria in mind, prepare a 2 page application of the poster
presentation including:
- Page 1: A brief biographical data form about the presenter(s) to include:
- Name, address, phone and email for each presenter
- Credentials and Workplace affiliation
- Page 2: A content outline indicating the title of the poster and specific information to be
covered on the poster (limit to one page, single spaced). Include level of intended audience. Do not put your name on this page.
A copy of the proposal (page 2 above) should be submitted electronically. One copy of the biographical
sketch (page 1 above) is sufficient. The package of materials should be e-mailed no later than January 24, 2009, and sent
Katie Hafkenscheid